OK, here are a couple of promises. In this post, I'm not going to try and make religion seem like a fun thing that you should try out. But I'm also not going to lie. I love my religion, even when staying awake in Mass is hard and praying the Rosary is entirely unappealing. I love the Eucharist, even when I take it for granted, and I love the Blessed Mother. Or at least I try to love all these things.
I used to pray the Rosary every day, but it began to stress me out because I was not making enough time to pray and I didn't (still don't) know how to meditate on a single topic. The anxiety over it got really bad, so I stopped, though without the best of reasons. I am trying to pick up prayer similar to the Rosary this Lent, so I'm trying to pray a chaplet every day. The one that I'm most familiar with is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Blessed Faustina Kowalska. It gives me such a sense of peace.
One of my favorite forms of prayer is Adoration. Even when the Blessed Sacrament is not displayed, I love to sit in an empty church with Him and just think I am sitting in the same room as God. The concreteness of God's presence in the Eucharist is so incredible and critical to my personal faith. I understand that God is with us in Spirit all the time, but it is much easier for me to grasp on to God in prayer when he is there in such a physical way.
Something that I also do is I write down many of my prayers. In a certain sense this is a vanity, hoping that others will look at what I wrote and find it to be valuable spiritually, but it also helps me make my prayer real, not just ramblings in my head. It gives them direction.
I'm not all that crazy about studying Scripture. I mean, I do it and I find it to be valuable, it's just not my favorite type of prayer.
If you happen to be interested in Chaplets, here's a website with a whole bunch of them, many of which are prayed on ordinary Rosary beads: http://www.catholicdoors.com/prayers/chaplets.htm
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