Saturday, May 5, 2012

European History...The Beginning

So I think that I should have some sort of point to this thing, other than just babbling about my life (Because seriously, who wants to read narcissistic rants?). Now, I don't think that I'll ever quite give up my stories about the latest Doctor Who episode (I mean, seriously, no new episodes until next Christmas? MOFFAT!) or reviews about forty-some-year-old Science Fiction shows (That covers DW and Star Trek!), but I think I am going to introduce a little structure to this endeavor.

Namely, I want to do posts on European History. Now, I know it's kind of been in bad taste to focus on Europe alone for the past couple decades, but the fact remains that, if you are able to read this, you have been exposed and influenced to some degree by European culture. It's not an argument, it's a fact. And in my opinion, it's important to understand the history and cultures of the continent that has left such a profound impact on our planet and its people.

My information is going to be drawn mainly from my AP Euro notebook that I wrote last year, though I will try to verify information that seems a bit weird. No promises on regular updates, since I am busy/lazy, but hey, hopefully this will be entertaining.

I mean, come on, what's more fun than the Thirty Year's War? Am I right? No? If you said yes, you either don't know what the Thirty Year's War is or you need to receive some help. I am serious. The Thirty Year's war doesn't make WWI look mild, but it does lend quite a bit of perspective.

I will also try to recommend books and other works that are relevant to the time period discussed. I hope to do a good job on this.



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